Day 4 - D

Thursday 10th March 2022

Today's entry was a tough one to design. I had a few sketches that I wanted to design digitally but I let my impatience get the better of me and changed my final design more times than I could count. I had done some sketches of this concept that I chose and I think I ended up making it look like a hybrid version of 2 ideas I had in my sketchbook. The concept that I wanted to go with was making the letter D look like a spade. To do this, I drew some shapes out using the pen tool and a rectangle tool for parts of it. I then applied drop shadows onto some parts of the letter/spade and some other effects such as the scribble effect and a blur to finish the letter off. 

Final upload for the letter D

Sketches for the letter D

My aims for tomorrow is to have drawn out E and F and have them ready to upload them as I have already drawn those letters out in my sketchbook. I think I will also continue to try and be ahead of things as possible with regards to sketching and I also want to maintain my daily upload schedule so I can meet the deadline for my entries to count for each day. I only say this as I know that my schedule will be fuller as time goes on and I want to be consistent with this as I am enjoying it and I want to be able to have fun with this challenge without stressing out. 
