Day 12 - K and L

17th March 2022

Today I did the designs for the letter K. I had some sketches completed already so I had to choose one and then start designing around it. I decided to go with one of my sketches initially and kept it as a shadow in the final upload. Instead of making the sketch version the main part of the design, I used the pucker and bloat tool on the shape and bloated the shape by 20%. I also thought that it would be a good idea to add a pattern to the design as well which is why I came up with the checked pattern that I had to make myself and save to my patterns so that I could use it in the design. To finish the design, I added a gradient to the stroke for a soft lighting effect that used the colours from the pattern. 

Final upload for the letter K

18th March 2022

Today, I made the designs for the letter L. As I was approaching the halfway point of the alphabet section of the challenge, I was realising that I was struggling to come up with impressive designs like I was coming up with earlier in the challenge. This made me realise that if I was going to do this challenge again next year, I would have to plan ahead earlier than giving myself a 24 hour window to get the best out of myself and my design work. This is the reason why I only came up with a few ideas for the letter L in my sketches. My initial idea for this was to make a ribbon design but I was unsure how to get the ribbon effect to work with my drawing so I changed my plans. I still went with a calligraphy style concept for this design but I ended up warping the shape in a wave shape to make it stand out. I also went for a subtle line gradient to give it a dimensional look. I also added a glass effect to the letter and added a drop shadow to finish it.

Final upload for the letter L
