Day 3 - C

Wednesday 9th March 2022

For today's letter, I struggled to come up with a quirky idea that would compliment the previous letters that I made as I realised the scale of the challenge I had taken on as well as the fact that I am balancing this with other work that I am doing. Once again, I had done some sketches for this yesterday although I ended up adding a couple more concepts to my sketchbook today before I designed them on Illustrator. For the digital design, I had initially settled on making a design resembling a horseshoe but I felt that the idea I had in mind for that wouldn't look different enough to the previous designs. I only say this because I would've had to use most of the techniques that I had used for the letter B for the letter C. This was when I settled on using the blend tool to blend the 2 versions of the letter C that I had put on the artboard together. I have only learnt this technique of blending 2 shapes together recently from a video I watched on Instagram Reels and I decided to adapt this technique to make it work for my concept. After finishing and uploading the letter C, I decided to come up with some ideas for the letter D for tomorrow.

Final upload for the letter C

Concept drawings for the letter C

My aim for tomorrow is to draw and upload my design for the letter D as well as doing some sketches and final designs for the letters E and F as I am unsure about the time I have to do that with a busy weekend ahead of me. 
