Day 16 - O and P, 2 week update

21st March 2022

Today I made my designs for the letter O. I already had an idea of the theme I wanted to go for as I wanted to make the letter look like the planet earth and then make it look like it's in outer space by adding stars to it. I made a letter O by making a circle and using another circle and the minus front pathfinder to take a section out of the middle of the shape. I then added a freeform gradient with green and blue shades to make it resemble the planet earth. I then added a slight radial blur to make the colours blend more. For the stars, I made some small circles and added a pucker effect to them all to make them look like stars. I then added lighter coloured circles behind them and added a gaussian blur to them all to make them look like they're shining. 

Final upload for the letter O

22nd March 2022

Today I made my designs for the letter P. This one was tough as I didn't have a solid concept in mind for what I was going to make. In fact, I ended up completely changing my design a while after uploading the first version. For the version that I uploaded and kept on my Instagram page, I kept the shape of the letter the same as it already was but I inflated it in the 3D settings to make it rounder. I then rotated it to add a natural shadow to the shape and used the same colour as I had previously. I felt like the page looked empty even with the letter in there so I decided to add some small pears that I had drawn out and inflated as well to the corners to balance the design out. 

Final upload for the letter P.

First upload for the letter P.

2 week update

Keeping up with this challenge as well as other work I am doing has been tough as I have had to sometimes upload slightly later than the deadline for the day to keep up with everything else that I want to get done in the day too. While this has been good for the quality and quantity of other things I have managed to get done this week, it hasn't been as good for my Instagram likes as I have found that posting later reduces the amount of times other people see my posts. My follower count has increased slightly this week after losing followers last week which has been good for my other work as well as some of my new followers have seen and liked those as well. Using Illustrator for the 3D designs I have been doing has been great as I have been enjoying the quality that the final images have come out in as well as realising that I don't always need to use Cinema 4D to make a good quality 3D design. Although I really struggled with my letter P, the final version came out well and it even got a like from someone who works for Adobe!

My aim for next week is to be more consistent with coming up with good ideas for my designs and not let my occasional creative blocks take over my design work. I also want to be able to upload on time more frequently and maintain a good working routine. 
