Day 0 - A (Part 1)

Hi there, Welcome to my blog. For the next 36/37 days, I am going to be participating in an Instagram challenge called 36 Days Of Type where all of the participants have to design a letter or number from the Latin alphabet and make it look unique. This blog is going to be an insight into my design process and working to a daily deadline of 11pm UK time to make sure a post is uploaded by that time. If you want to see the results of this, you can follow me on Instagram @reejcreates. 

Sunday 6th March 2022

Today, I have made a start on my first designs for the letter A. The deadline isn't until tomorrow night but I thought I would get a head start on things as I have other pieces of work to do at the same time. The problem with making a typeface for something like this is the fact that there are a lot of major decisions to be made that will influence the style that I will use all the way through the challenge. I feel like with the drawings that I preferred the most, I am generally leaning towards using upper case letters for the challenge and I haven't made a final decision still so I think I am going to leave making the final choice and vectorising it until the morning. I also already have a few colour schemes in mind that I want to use during the challenge. 

My aim for tomorrow is to have drawn and uploaded the final design for the letter A and start coming up with concepts for the letter B. 
