Day 2 - B

Tuesday 8th March 2022

Today, I moved on to the letter B. I had drawn up a few sketches yesterday from which I had to choose one to redraw digitally. I had wanted to make this one in a calligraphic style but I struggled to translate that to a digital workspace. Therefore, I chose a different design that I knew I could make work for me. This ended up being 2 rectangles stacked onto one another which I then spent some time tweaking until I came to the conclusion that I liked the concept of making it into a domino and did exactly that while still making sure that it still looked like the letter B. I have also done some sketches for the letter C which I will draw and upload tomorrow.

This is what I uploaded for the letter B

These are my initial sketches for the letter B

As I have now got into a routine of sketching on paper the day before I digitally draw the letters, my aim for tomorrow is to draw and upload for my entry for the letter C as mentioned above and work on some sketches for the letter D.
